Monday, October 27, 2008


Boring...It was really boring til I managed to get my hands on the com:D It brings me back to life,hahaaa. Did homework in the morning and afternoon(Very dilligent kay?) and all of the sudden, I just don't feel like doing it. My mind was like prompting me "DON'T DO HOMEWORK!KEEP IT ALL AWAY AND RELAX!!!" Another of me argued "HELLOOO!!!YOUR MOTHER TONGUE O'LEVELS!WANNA FLUNK ISIT?" OK!Fine!I did anyway,3 papers!(Snores...zzzzz)
The grass-cutters outside were such a nuisance, adding boredom to my boring hw and day. And when I'm bored,I'll EAT. So, now, in front of me, I have 2 packets of Oreos, 1 pack of Cadbury Old Gold Chocolate, 1 tall can of CHEESE-FLAVOURED Pringles, and I small tub of Mango and Cream Ice-cream:D Horrifying eh?
And a big SORRY to all people who are sending me requests.I'm currently not accepting it.Temporarily.Reason: I'm lazy:D


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