
Sweet chiobu>>>>>on my left
Went to the library with Nicole darling again(:Made a deal that we go to the library every Tues.yea!Nicole let her hair down..sexy arh!Didn't recognise her at first..so I made a detour to the library until I realised"Whao!Is this Nicole?"She complained that two girls which she nv knew b4 gave a pity-u-my-dear smile..haha...
Went to the Children's Section once we chose the bks..
She brought the whole pack of Yupi's cola-worms!Thanks,Nicole!
And we actually left traces of sugar on the place which we sat...Ewww...
Btw..nicole..I changed my hp's memory card to 1 GB!So,who's hp is lousier ar?Haha..jk jk(:
She asked if I like going out with her.Duh!if I dont..I'll wont be standing nxt to you and talking to you!(:
Can't believe that I had soooo much similarities with her..Eg.
1.She also has a bro..named Nigel!
2.We do nt want to wear skinnies..nt bcos' that we can't wear..bt we doesnt look nice and slim in the skinny jeans!!!!!...esp the upper thighs.So...both of us are gna slim dwn til' we got nic.perfect leg.not too skinny or fat..just nice..
3.We both like looking at females' legs!We were loved to compare our legs and those females' legs that we sat our eyes on..Like"omg..look at her legs!so nice sia!"etc..etc..
4.We simply hate the sight of relatively fat girls in skinny jeans..hot pants..mini-micro skirts..etc.(No offence!!!!!!!!!!!)Cos' of their legs in sight..flabby ones..
Ate one of the Chocolate toast!Hmm..yummy!Thanks!Haddd Bubble Tea!!!Crapped about her class n my class at the playground(:And her class's relationship is far toooo complicated for me to understand..It's worse than a love tri.We laughed at both our classes' pastimes(:Had know some deep dark secrets!Shhh...
Sweet gal!