I've got 5 tests in a row!Dang.Mother Tongue test was disintegrated temporary.Huang Lao Shi was so fed up with those who only prepared one essay.i prepared 3 ok!!!should have slept earlier on that day.Ms Chia freaked us out during IPW.She let us buy drinks and food and bring it in the atrium.Hello???No food is to be consumed in the atrium!Failed Physics test.9/25.Lost 5 careless marks,and I had no hope for Physics.It's just a puddle of still water.Had PB cum SC camp yesterday.Reteach the 5 cultures again,and we are planning for the next year ORIENTATION!!!!!!Baoyuan became OCC:DDDDDDDDDDDD.And I'm the Chief Promgrammer.I was so nervous talking to a big bunch of programmers!!!Just over paranoid,I have no clue on what to do.But I've got info on last yr's orientation stuff and this year's theme is quite similar to last yr.So..it should be OK,I hope.Stacey told me not to stressed as we got alot of time to plan this.Dinner was nice.Exchanged some of Hong Jie's dinner and I gave him alot of rice.Everyone was just so hungry.
O level MT oral coming up nest wk!!!!Ahhh!!!