It's been a hectic day!
I found out that I made a huge mistake for the deployment in the morning parade!!!Amended it.Half of the prefects turned up.HALF OF THE PREFECTS TURNED UP ONLY!!!!!!!!!I was on the verge of breaking down,it's total screw up.Big time.But thing took for a better course,and at least the prefects knew what is the new arrangement like,SOPs etc.Maybe I should try seeing the glass half full.But,I still feel guilty when come to think of it.Did I do something wrong?Have I not convey the message clearly?Sigh....
Pot luck was damn fun,that is one thing that relieves me.All the prefects were bonding,and the seniors came!We did a game,which forfeits you to eat 3 mouthfuls of potato salad and ice-cream.And we were already super full at that time!!!!Burp!Khengyin and I did something which disgusted most of them.The ice-cream,melted and sloshed,was added with chocolate and strawberry syrup and then with scraps of potato chips.It's was indeed revolting,but it tasted alright.
I'm gettin' addicted to DBSK!!!!Josephine Chua!!I'm gonna kill you!~!!haha~