Celine and Jose!

Aijia!(She wanted to do a middle-finger pose-Too Bad:D!!)

My happy-go-lucky , crazy dearie!
Went to the library with Lydia yesterday.I tiptoe-ed on the wet pavement because my shoes' soles broke.But, water stil went inside my shoes and soaked my toes.Pruny-toes:D
Lydia:Ahahaha!Must video you walking like this!Head Prefect arh!!!
At the bustop.
(Bus approaching)
Lydia:Cassandra, is it this bus?
Me:Yahyahyah,go on the bus(rummaging gor coins to pay for bus fare)
We got on the bus(Which I thought it was Bus no. 13-to J8),but it made a bend and went to other areas of Ang Mo Kio.And this bus turned out to be No. 133!!!(Cockeyes o.0)We quickly alighted the bus and I was continously harping on my bus fare which I shouldn't pay.
Lydia:I teach you lar.Next time hor, you pay for bus fare,don't put 55 cents.Put 50 cents can already.The bus driver where got so 'sian kong' to check the correct bus fare.
Me:Really arh?Ok , I'll try later.
Went up to Bus No. 13(Correct
one!) and I put 50 cents.Went through without any request by the bus driver for the 5 cents!Ahahaha!!!
Me:Later go library must take out our shoes to evaporate all the rainwater!
Lydia:Yah!I'm going to do that!
Went to J8 B1 to fill our stomach(Growls).Ordered Chicken and mushroom puff=YUMMMY.It was like having a hot tasty nutritious meal in the cold freezing weather~Ah~~~ I was burying my head into cookies,muffins and cupcake recipes books while Lydia went top floor to book seats for us.She immediately chiongg-ed to the indoor sitting space:D
After a hour...
Lydia:Cassandra, I take out my shoes arh.I use your bag to block my feet from the librarian,ok?
After 15 mins...
Lydia:Cassandra,I take out my socks already.(Her toes wriggling happily in the cold comfort of the air-con)
Pro sia...
Lunched at Sumo House with Closest and Aijia:D!!!
Choir was cancelled by Mr Ong.Choir has alot of members.Yeah right ,and half of them are those flowers vases or lamposts who don't give a damn and are choir members on the SURFACE only.
And today was only a handful of them,call it a choir?Hello,we pasted notices on the board.Can't you see??? Paste notices and reminders,you guys just don;t even care.Don't paste them,you guys complain that you don't know a single thing because there were no notices pasted.Crap.
Thanks for the DS,Quan Ren!Closest had a close talk and I realised alot of things.
You have to let go before you can move ahead.
Be optimistic so your life wouldn't be surrounded by minute toubles.
Forgive and forget.
To someone(Closest):Be strong ,to see a clearer view.Be optimistic, to learn how to let go and always look on the bright side. Be fortunate and thankful to others and yourself, because there are more people who are more unfortunate than you and suffered alot of ordeals.