School's reopening today so it's all new to me.
Attire check as usual,and I have to pin up my fringe?!Aww..God.I looked funny & fugly lah.Stupid.Went to 3e3 class & it's damn weird and dead.It's lucky that we get to choose where we sit.My reg no.always as usual-THE LAST ONE.No.23.Sigh.
Indicies for Maths-so far so good.Jolie & I were like robots when it comes to responding.God-I hate this class,it's so funny & I can't even relax in class.
Hopes my class gets better(:There's only one dumb JOKER in my class~Yawns.
Prepared all bks for tml!At least we'll get to combine class for some periods.
Did Maths hw alrdy, so tired for today.Panda eyes.
Gonna buck up this yr so I won't be watching the telly for many months.Sob!!!
Finished reading hist elct tb,halfway through Chem,Jiayou!! Must start paying real attention to classes esp Maths,even I hate that stupid,boring sub.
I'm gonna go blind soon.Serious.But I don't know when.Probably in a few yrs time,I won't be able to see my friends & darling's faces anymore.Can't see Beautiful Ol Mother Earth.But right now,I try to cherish the time when I can see all beautiful things when I'm not blind yet and starting to get mentally & physically prepared when the day comes.Meanwhile,I'll try to be opimistic!!!!!!Bye!;DDDDDDDDDD