1 verdict for the camp=FUN!
To summarise:
The morning trail at Lower Peirce Reservoir was refreshing!The air supPly was like 100 times better than the air we had daily:D
And Peirce Sec Sch was so HUGE,and I felt like a Sec 1,feeling so new and unfamiliar to the school.But I think there's some parts that Sec 3 will remember,like the classroom block,canteen,dance studio etc.The Student Leaders Rm was twice the size of SC Rm, hooray!!!(More room-space)Anyway,the school really gone through a total transformation.
The construction workers over there either were very bo liao or they are super IN LOVE with Mr Bala.On the window panes,they wrote:
BALA APPLE, I LOVE YOU...The prefects were like'What the......?'During the breakfast after the morning trail,Baoyuan,JianQiang and I laughed continously for 40 mins.
Me:hmmmmmmhahahaha!!!Bala apple I love you!
Baoyuan:Bala apple ...hahahahahahah!!!
Me:hahaha...they put Mr Bala's moustache on their forehead!Then those with no hair on their head pluck out Mr Bala facial hair and moustache on their head for hair growth!!!!!
Baoyuan & Jian Qiang:HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!
Mr Yeo was looking at us with a weird expression,his fork and spoon midway to attack his egg prata.
And facilitators did not sleep for 36 hours straight.The school's huanted toooooooo~~Whooooooo~Jonathan was freaked out,his face totalLy WHITE.Hazwani,Jian Qiang and Baoyuan also saw statues at the Wall of Fame
MOVING.Anyway,prefects,I really want you guys to bring back all the good learning experiences and memories back with you!!!P.U.N.C.H!!!