Hiya!!!Went To Wild Wild Wet with my family and Jermine's family:D
gOT THERE FIRST...so we played Ular-lar as a family lar..damn kiasu..Once we reached ther,We immediately chiong there to the popular spots of Wild Wild wet.Then Jermine's family reached le.Played Tsunami also.The waves were pushing us back and back..bt we managed to stay at the deepest point of the pool.Jordan kena the lifeguard's warningg XD And we stayed at the Tsunami area for a long tym.Kao...kena sunburnt..esp on the upper arms..and now it's still hurts.Yeeeeouch!!Roasted arms.Played the U-shape slide..the scraiest slide.Played 4 times on my last trip,Bt still get shivers when we were begininng to take offf.Both of us screamed like siiao...bet alot of pple staring at us..so paiiseii.We went on the sec time...but this time we screamed leser..HAHA.The feeling is like...Woah!!!!!!OMG MAN!sOMETHING LIKE A ROLLERCOASTER!Take the SkyRider with Justin..can see the scenery of the entire place.Sabotaged pple by pouring buckets of water at their heads!Neh-nehyyy-poo-poo!~
Had chicken rice for lunch..damn famous..DELICIOUS!!BURPPPPPPPPPP!
Headed for Changi Airport-Terminal 3.
It's very nice..esp the ceiling structure and the environment is more on like caring for the environment..like a 'go green' terminal.Had McFrappe Double Chocolate!!!fantastic!
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