Monday, May 12, 2008

Mother's Day was nice.We went to the florist beside AMK library.Mum caught an eye of periwinkles(:Intended to buy it for for later after we browse through the library but when we got there, it was closed for the day.*___*Dang!!!
But Mum said that she would like to read on gardening and types of flower species before I get her flowers.:DFine with me.
Today was the perfect recipe for disaster and blur-blur.
I woke up and thought that I only need to be at sch at 7 plus, before 8am.Plus, I had a terrrrrrrrible stomachache.Ouch.And when I got reached school, Jian Qiang said" Wah!So early for school ar!" My reaction was "Huh?What happen?"Wanteng later explained to me then I was supposed to be here just like normal school days!!!!!!!!Argh!And that's when I got 'enlightened' .Got a late pink slip for my blur-ness.:(((((Stupid!!!!!!!!!!

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