Guitar class was fun,we had we played different parts of the songs,coordinating as one.and there's this guy,who is the'conductor' bounced his head at the wrong timing as we played at the wrong time.
Lunched at Jack's Place.The steak was well-done with the Mexican sauce,except for the roasted potatoes which turned out to be a little cold.Met Natalie and her family and headed straight to Hay Diaries Farm .The barn stank totally when we went in a little more and Dylan was mimicking the sounds of the goats"Meh-meh-meh"The baby goats ate grass straight from our hands and their tongues were rubbery..0.0 Headed to Ah-ma's house for dinner.Nat and I locked up Dylan in the room,lights out and started acting like lunatics(The Channel 8 show on 9pm)We freaked him out within seconds.HAHA!
Met Jose-Kim Jae Joong for library.I waited for her for 30 mins before she smsed me that she was at the third floor of the library!-_- We went on by raiding cookery books and she raided a dummy book on Wine.Jose wanted to check whether the library has the Twilight book series:
Jose:Do you have the Twilight book series?
Librarian:Ohhhh....TOILET is it?It's at the first floor,near the handicapped-area.
What the....
This time,I went up to the librarian,asking the same questuion and emphasizing the word'Twilight".One coincidence thing happened was Jose and I both brought Clorets with us and we both took it in a hurry in case we were hungry.Triplets!
Went to Nat's house and played the piano.:DDD Dinnered at her house and we went to Clarke Quay,where it had the Lantern Festival Opening Ceremony(@ Central)Had Hokkaido Ice-cream and beancurd dessert!Yum!
ps:Thanks for teaching me the song,Jose!!!Love ya!!!XD
Still feeling a little angry and sad about the movie thingy............:(
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